
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

OH you know those days, this day

I'm tired...and therefore this post will not be one of deep intellectual thought unfortunately because that was the original plan earlier today and as you can see it's past 8 (and I'm ready for bed). Let's just say that teething toddlers are full of inner pain and outer tantrums. It was a LONG day. You know those days that you feed your kid an extra big lunch to fill their belly and then tuck them in for their nap - the relished time of the day! My relished time lasted for 3 hours and 17 minutes today ;) Thankfully "Nanna" came to play this afternoon to whisk the rest of the day away. We love our Nanna!

We have been so busy lately that I've forgotten to posts pics/video of McKenzie at the beach for all the adoring Grandparents and Greats. Please excuse my Mommy brain.

And since it's summer (and excrutiatling HOT HOT HOT at least in GA) why not treat yourself to this:

Mary Kay Pedicure Set

You can order it here at my website!

For all those that just eat this little kid up....these are for you.

{look at my big bed Mommy}

{swimming in the pool}

{playing in the ocean with Daddy}

With sleepy eyes and a bed calling my name.

and yes I'm THAT Mommy.

1 comment:

Cindy Howard said...

I think every Mom must savor their quiet time in the middle of the day like a cookies and cream milkshake from Chick fil a.haha (I love those things) Noel is almost out of naps, if she takes one, she will not go to bed till ten, if she doesn't get one she at least goes to bed at eight, but is sometimes very mood. I haven't fine tooned it yet.haha