
Monday, May 18, 2009

It's My Shoe

I haven't written about this here it goes. When McKenzie was born the nurses and doctor were concerned about her right foot since it was severly turned in. After discussing it with our pediatrician we decided to wait until she was a little older before going to the orthapedic just to see how she was going to put weight on it. Afterall, it was just simply positional - meaning it was just how she had her foot in my womb for 9 months (I have the proof)

At her four month checkup a few weeks ago, Dr. McMath noticed that she was still turning the foot inward so she wanted us to go ahead and go see her husband (the pediatric orthapedic). He was very positive in the fact that none of her tendons are tight and rigid which makes it workable. She does have a club foot but it is really very minor compared to some. We are doing our "jane fondas" as Daniel calls them where we work on strengthening her leg and foot muscles and turning them outward. She also has a twisted tibia which is causing her right leg to bow. It's pretty common apparently and will hopefully untwist and correct itself with time. They don't want to mess with that in any way shape or form until the bone has solidified which isn't until kids are 6 or 7. (but we are hoping it fixes itself by then) Dr. McMath (the orthapedic) wrote her a prescription for a "reverse latch shoe" which is supposed to help turn the foot outward. Thankfully we were able to order just one shoe instead of the pair since we only needed one. She has to wear it basically all the time but hopefully it will help her to straighten her foot back out before she starts walking. So here's my girl in her new shoe. She likes the noise it makes when she kicks the wall LOL and it doesn't really seem to bother her all that much.


Anonymous said...

I had shoes with braces on them when I was little. My mom didn't put them on me enough, and one of my feet still sticks out. It is common.

Anonymous said...

ps. I noticed the sheets on your crib mattress. I know there pottery barn, and I think I have the comforter that matches on Noel's bed. We have good taste.:)