
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

9 Months

I took McKenzie to Target for her 9 month photo session today. She was her usual smiley self and it took me a while to narrow down the picture selection. Here are some of my favs.


Cindy Howard said...

love the black and white, and the one of you two is so cute.
I had to laugh, because I have that same polka dot dress. We have good taste.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, they are beautiful, absolutely beautiful. How did you ever choose? She is soooooo precious.
Gran & Grandaddy Wright

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness…she’s is truly the cutest thing ever! Love these pictures!

Love ya!
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Adorable all! I see why it was hard to pick!
Grandma Scheltema

Chris and Abby said...

The third picture where her lips are puckered for a kiss is my FAVORITE!!!! She is just so darn cute!